35th Annual Conference (APIDSC Invite)

Dear friends,

Association of Physicians of India- Delhi State Chapter is holding its 35th Annual Conference on April 5 and 6, 2025 at India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

API Delhi State Chapter has been at the forefront of academic activities and this annual CME is its flagship academic event, wherein we have didactic lectures, research and case presentations, and orations by senior physicians of repute. We are planning to include various other academic activities during this academic feast, to make your participation more fruitful and fulfilling. The conference aims to cater to the changing paradigms in diagnosis and management which we are facing at the present moment.

We expect a footfall of over 300 to 350 doctors during the event. It will be a boon for all the medical fraternity to attend this much sought-after academic event. Faculty from various parts of the country will be deliberating at this academic event and will make for a very memorable interaction.

“All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy”, that is an old adage and in line with the same, we will have a cultural programme over dinner on the first day at the IHC itself.

The Organising committee and the scientific committee request all physicians and postgraduate students to participate actively in this event and make it a grand success.

Look forward to welcoming you all for the conference.

Dr. B K Singh                            Dr. Anupam Prakash                               Dr. Sandeep Garg

Chairman, APIDSC                     Hony. General Secretary, APIDSC              Treasurer, APIDSC